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21 Feb 2023

UTS INSEARCH Sydney exclusive webinar for Nepal .


Nepal Education Consultancy


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UTS INSEARCH Sydney exclusive webinar for Nepal .
Dear Students and Parents, we invite you all to register for a free online information session from one of the best education providers in Australia. You can receive valuable information about the institution, courses, scholarships and online learning at the present context. After the session, you can also ask related questions and get an immediate response from the concerned person.

UTS Insearch webinar 2020

Considering the present context, we understand that situations are not in our control. However, if we wait until the new normal, it might be too late. Students might lose an academic year. Besides, when finally, the borders open, there will be, no doubt, a rush of applicants. 

We as responsible agents, would like to request you all utilize this free time for your secure future. You can easily fetch an offer letter from the comforts of your home. When the borders open, you would already be halfway there with offers in your hands. Besides, the high commission will consider this a positive aspect which increases the visa prospect. 


Why UTS Insearch?

  • Remote learning available for Sem 2, 2020
  • Centrally located in Sydney
  • Small student faculty ratio i.e 20:1
  • Flexible study options
  • Up to AU$12000 scholarship
  • World-class facilities including 24 hrs computer labs
  • Flexible intakes 
  • Support for international students
  • Safe and secure environment
  • Industry Connections

For those interested in remote learning, the options are available as well. 


Please feel free to join us for more detailed information.

For participate REGISTER HERE

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