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23 Feb 2023

How are the sections in IELTS Graded?


Nepal Education Consultancy


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How are the sections in IELTS Graded?

Grading in the Listening Section

Listening Section will have a total of 40 objective questions. For each correct answer you get one point and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Students have to be careful regarding spellings and grammars as well. The grading is done as per the table below:

Number of Correct Answers


Grading in the Reading Section

Reading Section will have a total of 40 objective questions. For each correct answer you get one point and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Students have to be careful regarding spellings and grammars as well even in the reading section. The grading of reading section for General Training Test and Academic Test might vary a little. Both the grading tables are provided as below:


Score Table for Academic Test


Score Table for General Training Test



Grading in the Writing Section

Both the Writing Task are graded together in a band score of 0 to 9. The assessment criteria depend on the following four factors that are equally graded:

Grading in the Writing Section

Both the Writing Task are graded together in a band score of 0 to 9. The assessment criteria depend on the following four factors that are equally graded:


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